Young Super Stars Program: (Ages 8 & Up)
(This is a Progressive Program designed to meet an individual's skill level.)

Our Youth Super Stars Program is an all-inclusive program that focuses on the fundamental development of the players' skills that will build the essential foundation for your young player to succeed in the game.

Highlights: Proper Stretching Techniques, Dribbling, Passing, & Receiving, Ball Mastery Drills, Defensive Handling, Speed & Agility (particularly Mental Reaction Speed), Shooting (Kicking Techniques), Heading Techniques, and Throw-Ins

Soccer Ball is Provided for Class

75 Minute Sessions

2 Sessions for 4 Weeks or  1 Session for 8 Weeks

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays
(These are progressive training sessions, call 1-866-372-1724 for available times.)

Introductory Price:
$120.00/Player ($15.00/Session)

(Reg: $25.00/Session)

(Minimum 4 Players & Maximum 12 Players/Session)

Through a long term involvement in our programs, we can help your child to master the skills required to succeed in soccer.

Copyright © Creative Motovation, LLC

Supreme Soccer Training
Outdoor Training

6100 Baron Drive
(East of Dixie Hwy, Off Junction Road)
Bridgeport, MI 48722